The new issue 1118/119 has been published:

For downloading the new issue go to our PDF viewer : . Login with your credentials, and than choose the issue 118_119 at the top left .You will see automatically a new Button that appears only if you are logged in. Save PDF  (download).  

From your editor Page 4
From our technical Advisor, Jerry King Page 5

Lesson Nr 1 in programming with Pascal for Children Page 7
Gamification: take Kids seriously Page 23
The philosophy behind this new approach.
Experiences with Lazarus on the Raspberry Pi Page 30
Lazarus Installation for Raspberry 2/3/4/5/Zero on Linux
integrated Lazarus with all kinds of OSes

Category good news: PFAS removed Page 34
new filtration material could remove long-lasting chemicals from water
The new DELPHI UPDATE 12.2 Page 40
Components for Developers (kbmMW) Page 46
Creating programs with C4D for Starters
Preview of LAZARUS TRUNK VERSION 4.0 Page 50
AI Integration / File Browser / IDE Scout / Instant search / Minimap
Writing Delphi code with Chatgpt 4 Page 57
The Tiles puzzle Game by David Dirkse Page 62
Fastreport – updating Delphi and Lazarus products
to 2024.2 version Page 70 Preview of AI AND LAZARUS / FPC Page 76
FMX for Lazarus Page 82 how to create an FMX webapp in FPC / Lazarus

Lazarus Download at SourceForge:

Special Sale Actions

The Lazarus Handbook Pocket Uk Version special Speical sale € 25
(excluding shipping) (Pocket) including the PDF Version
Lazarus Handbook Pocket + Subscription PDF Special Sale: € 85
(excluding shipping for the pocket)

Lazarus now has AI.

  • The new version will be shown at the FreePascal and Lazarus Meeting in Colgone.
  • bugfix 3.6 will probably be available on October 1, 2024
  • Release candidate 1 of 4.0 version will probably be available on October 10, 2024
  • We just created Turtle WebCompiler for Pascal for kids and beginners
  • We have been able to recompile an FMX app to a WEB app
  • You can choose to install the notebooklook (docking).

The new subscription has some very important extra’s you probably didn’t notice:
The great new thing is that you can search per issue for a word or a text.
Just try it. (You need to be logged in). Here is some explanation & help if needed:

The big Free / Pascal and Lazarus event in Cologne (Köln) Germany, October 2024…

See the cover design of issue 118/119:

Cover issue 118/119

Fresnel is coming, → see the October meeting in Cologne / Germany
Firemonkey for Lazarus → how to create an FMX webapp in Delphi and to
compile it as a Webapp
A shortest circuit algorithm → this Delphi project isolates circuits in a network
Components for Developers (kbmMW) → Creating programs with C4D
for Starters Fastreport, the newest developments
Experiences with Lazarus on the RaspberryPi → finally you can download the
complete installable version
Category GOOD NEWS: PFAS → New filtration material could remove
long-lasting chemicals from water
Lesson Nr. 1 in programming with Pascal for Children → The philosophy behind this new approach.

The Brazilian subscription is for free, until 31/12/2024.
So you can order a it as a subscription for free at: editor(at sign@)
A assinatura brasileira é gratuita até 31/12/2024.
Portanto, o senhor pode encomendá-la como assinatura gratuita em: editor(at sign@)
Nossa edição nº 117 está sendo preparada na versão brasileira

Issue 117 has been published see the preview

Installer for FPC/Lazarus
We now have created an example how to install
FPC/Lazarus as Stable Version / Trunk Version / Cross-compilation / Multi OS installer and Raspberry-pi versions
(Click on it)

We have now a super-pack offer you cant refuse:
we reduced the price of the pack to € 120,00.
This pack contains everything we have available for you


Click on the image for the SuperPack

Here you can choose your subscription or renewal