The big event comes in October….


See the cover design of issue 118/119:

Cover  issue 118/119


Fresnel is coming, → see the October meeting in Cologne / Germany
Firemonkey for Lazarus, how to create an FMX webapp in Delphi and to compile it as a Webapp
A shortest circuit algorithm, this Delphi project isolates circuits in a network
Components for Developers (kbmMW) , Creating programs with C4D for Starters
Fastreport – The newest developments
Raspberry 2/3/4/5 on Linux – integrated Lazarus with all kinds of OSes
The future is coming:
Integrating Python for Lazarus/FPC and Lazarus for Python
Lesson Nr 1 in programming with Pascal for Children? The philosophy behind this new approach.

The Brazilian subscription is for free, until 31/12/2024.
So you can order a it as a subscription for free at: editor(at sign@)
A assinatura brasileira é gratuita até 31/12/2024.
Portanto, o senhor pode encomendá-la como assinatura gratuita em: editor(at sign@)
Nossa edição nº 117 está sendo preparada na versão brasileira

See all issues published:
you also can order them here

Issue 117 has been published see the preview


Coming Technology: Glass Cores (CPU) from Intel
Controlling the browser using webassembly
Accessing the Browser APIs from Webassembly.
Fresnel the new alternative LCL for Lazarus
Adding color and graphics To all platforms:
Browser, Linux, McOs, Windows Desktop & Mobile
Database Workbench 6.5 added support for SQL LITE
the best database designer ever. We gave it an award:

PUTS: Pascal User Tips & Solutions
How to create a Component listing

Front issue 116

Order here
Manufacturing flexible electronics By Detlef Overbeek
NaN, Not a Number, an example program how to handle By Danny Wind
BILLION, Whats the challenge? By Ian Barker
Extended RTTI support FreePascal By Michael van Canneyt
The Lazarus debugger part 6: breakpoints – to break or not to break By Martin Friebe
Curve fit on metal By James Goodger
Open Web Search: free, open and unbiased access to information By Detlef Overbeek

Installer for FPC/Lazarus
We now have created an example how to install
FPC/Lazarus as Stable Version / Trunk Version / Cross-compilation / Multi OS installer and Raspberry-pi versions
(Click on it)

We have now a super-pack offer you cant refuse:
we reduced the price of the pack to € 120,00.
This pack contains everything we have available for you


Click on the image for the SuperPack

Here you can choose your subscription or renewal

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over all issues 1 – 116 
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We plan an International Pascal Cafe in Germany : Cologne (Köln) with the university of “Köln” in October 10/11 2024.
details can be found here: Click